Businesses need math majors
Whenever I tell people that I am a math major at Grand Valley, I typically hear the response of "What kind of job do you want to have when you graduate?" and honestly, I don't know. I have thought about this over and over and I still have not come up with a certain job or career field I want to get into. This past summer, the company that I have been working for got bought out by a major corporation. In our first meeting with some of the company executives, we went around and had to say what we did for the company. When it was my turn I said what I needed to and then added that I am also a full time student at Grand Valley. When asked what I was studying I told them I was a math major, and thats when they all looked at me with a sort of grin on their faces and one said "You're a number guy, I like that." Thats when it hit me, having a degree in math is extremely valuable to a business. The major reason being, we...